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Jethro of Trebons Berger Blanc

22.05.2014 - fall 2017

BH    AD    NUCH

Jethro 3 years old

Jethro 3 years old



Jethro - 2 years old

Jethro - 2 years old

Jethro - 2 years old

Jethro - 2 years old

Jethro - 1 year old

Jethro - 1 year old

Jethro - 2 years old

Jethro - 2 years old

Kennel White Arctic Mist. 
Co-owner: Anne Skei


Helse - Health:


ED: 0

MDR1: +/+


Coat type: Long coat


Meritter - Titles:

UHP/AD: Passed 2016.
FP/BH: Passed 2016


Annet - Other:

MH-test: Completed 2016


Utstillingsmeritter - Show titles:

NUCH - Norwegian Show Champion






























Show results adult:

Norwegian Show Champion (NUCH)
13 x Excellent (No)
1 x VG (No)

3 x CERT (No)
3 x BOB (No)

1 CERT + BOS (Se)



About Jethro:

Jethro has proved himself as a mentally strong and well ballanced dog. He is very social with people and can easily adapt, and has no problem being handled by other people than his owner. 
He also gets along great with other animals.

Jethro is a fast learner and easy to train obediance with. He loves tracking, and has been traind in bloodtracking, and does it quite well.

He is the type of dog that works best with positive training, and he can get a little upset if you get angry  with him or if you are too hard on him. 

He loves to run on the fields and he is too fast for the other dogs to keep up.
Running freely on the fields is the best thing in life for him.

Jethro is a dog that in general is full of life and joy.


Jethro unfortunately got sick spring of 2016.
He never really recovered,  and his health was constantly on and off, so we decided to let him go fall 2017.


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